Opportunities Management
Generate and share quotes effortlessly (Online/PDF formats)
Stop wasting time on spreadsheets. On clicking any opportunity or lead you can see new quotation button, it will bring you to new menu where you can manage your quote. An opportunity has all lead’s details, including expected revenue, success rate, what is next action for that opportunity, the date of the next action, the date on which opportunity may close etc. Opportunity can be either created or selected from the existing customer. The details gets updated automatically for the customer selected from the database
Access control on quote generation & approval
When the quote is sent to the opportunity, Scopex allows customer to easily accept and Esign the quotation.
Track negotiations and discussions for a faster sales closure
Scopex has more efficient templates such as price and discount manual edit the quotation to negotiate and close the deal faster.
Resolve customer queries with hands on information
No information is lost in the funnel as the lead passes through different stages of the pipeline.scopex stores the history of all the discussion across the pipeline.
Monitor sales team’s activities on a real time basis for each opportunity.
Visual scheduling console allows viewing real time activity of the sales team. Provides mobile apps with GPS tracking to make the field workforce more productive.
Automate reminders for scheduled task/activities.
Scopex allows you to automate notifications/ reminders for the well defined scheduled activities/ task right within the app. Task can be collaboratively edited manually.
Manage customer level quotation history.
Turn quotations into sale order if the customer is willing to proceed with the order and send invoice to the customer in single click.
Analyze opportunity
Age wise, territory wise, sales team or executive wise, source wise etc.You can score your opportunities based on different criteria through different stages such as -new, qualified, proposition, won- in a pipeline.
Real time forecasting
Get the insight and make smarter decisions by forecasting the revenue of your business made easy through pipeline analysis. You can easily see deals and activities across time or any data point you want. When you understand past trends you can forecast sales.
Start a Free Demo!
Scopex Apps provides a FREE Demo to all its client to play around with the product & get to know if it suits their business. Scopex apps also offer a 1 to 1 free demo session to explain how you can use Scopex apps for your business.