Case study 4


Global Supply Chain – Cable manufacturing company


Although outsourcing reduces manufacturing costs, it introduces complexity and requires stringent oversight and controls in their daily operations. The company’s old MRP system was limited, and a significant portion of its work had to be done manually, which became increasingly challenging to manage as the business expanded, and its supplier base grew.
The company faced several challenges with its global operations, including the need for continuous data access and communication across different time zones.
Manual calculations and processes were also found to be time-consuming and prone to errors.
In addition, the company was running separate software systems for accounting and inventory management, requiring employees to navigate between systems to get a complete overview of their operations.
The lack of integration between systems also resulted in manual approval for invoices, adding to the workload.
With the company’s growth, these challenges became increasingly difficult to manage, leading to the need for a more efficient and integrated system.

The main requirements of the company were:

• Scalable ERP
• Seamlessly Integrated system
• Automate work
• Real-time data visibility


Scopex ERP Implementation enabled the company to have everything in one system and under one roof introducing tremendous efficiencies to their operations, but it ultimately benefited their expansive and growing customer base as well.
We have implemented an intuitive and user-friendly system overall
Integration of Accounting, Purchasing, Sales Orders and Inventory Under One Roof with Multi-Currency Capability
Standard reporting capabilities, which gave them powerful new reports.
New Quality Module to help them through DHR compliance, with capabilities like traceability and lot coding features.


After the successful implementation of Scopex ERP software, the company can now easily manage the consignment of materials, track their movement, and incorporate any value additions, all while maintaining a standard rolled-up cost. This streamlined process provides the company with an accurate understanding of its true costs.
The benefits of Scopex ERP implementation to the company are:
• It grew its sales by 50% within a few years.
• It has Increased total productivity by 25%
• It has reduced time spent on Accounting and Receiving by 50%
• The company achieved anywhere, anytime visibility
• It has reduced inventory carrying costs and, automatic generation of shipping docs.

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